CSC Members:
CSC- Elected Committee
Gel Ortiz (Principal)
Laura Orndoff ( Teacher Representative)
Ashlee Groetz ( Parent)
Gabriela Gonzalez (Parent)
Carlos Bates (Parent)
Josephine Durst ( Community Partner)
Meeting Notes:
Barnum Elementary CSC By-Laws
Approved by CSC Committee:
Mission Statement: We at Barnum are on a PATH to excellence. Personalized, Academic Excellence, Technology and Heart!
We provide a personalized learning experience that meets the needs of all students. Our academic programming and curriculum meet the highest standards of excellence. We ensure that students utilize technology to engage with 21st century learning. Our learners develop their minds and hearts through meaningful experiences that deepen their understanding of themselves and the world.
To provide the CSC committee with an established set of rules and procedures under which to most effectively function. In addition to these bylaws, the CSC will function within Board of Education Policy BDF-R4 which in many instances specifies CSC committee requirements and functions, and the Agreement between the Denver Classroom Teachers Association (DCTA) and the Denver Public School District, hereafter referred to as the Agreement.
The purpose and scope of CSC is now found in Board of Education Policy BDF-R4 of the DPS/DCTA Agreement
The purpose and scope of the Collaborative School Committee (CSC) shall be to focus on the Unified Improvement Plan as its primary responsibility at the school based on the “Multiple Measures”.
These are district-established indicators of individual school performance and data in the following areas: attendance, graduation-rate, school leadership, instructional quality, student respect, school safety, and other measures such as the School Accountability Rating.
In particular the CSC will work to provide guidance, evaluation, and recommendations regarding staffing allocations as it relates to the UIP, school budget, and school program design, including consultation regarding adjustments that may be made due to pupil-count issues.
Selection for membership should be through volunteers. Elections should be held every two years. The composition of the CSC committee should be, at a minimum, as follows:
Member Diversity
The diversity of the school student population should be represented in the CSC committee membership.
CSC committee members are elected to a one or two-year term. Members may be elected to no more than three (3) successive terms. Staggered terms may be used to promote continuity.
Election of CSC committee members should be held (e.g. within the first two weeks of school, or during the month of May for the following school year)
Persons nominated for the CSC committee must adhere to and sign a nomination form. Nomination forms will clearly state due-dates and must be in the office by the date and time specified. The CSC committee will be notified; the ballots will be prepared and sent to the appropriate constituents.
Transition of New Members
Orientation for new members should include the following:
If a vacancy occurs during the school year, the remaining members of the CSC shall fill the vacancy by majority vote (remaining CSC members should look to fill the vacancy with a representative of the constituent group that the vacating member represented). Upon completion of his/her vacancy term, he/she may be re-elected for a full term. The vacancy term served will not be counted as a successive term. In case of vacancy of the Business Representative position, a CSC committee member will recommend a business representative to the remaining CSC committee members for approval.
If a CSC committee member accumulated three consecutive unexcused meeting absences during the school year, this should be grounds for removal from the committee. However, under extenuating circumstances each situation should be addressed on a case-by-case basis.
If a CSC committee member fails to comply with these bylaws, procedures or rules and regulations of the CSC Committee, or the district, this failure should be grounds for removal from the CSC Committee.
If a CSC committee member was elected or chosen by a constituency group (parents, teachers, community representative, adult member of school recognized organization, classified member or students) that member may be recalled using the following process:
Step 1. A constituent from that group contacts the CSC to inform them of their intent to recall the member
Step 2. The constituent circulates a petition to call for a recall election. The required number of names for a petition to be valid will be 50% of the eligible voters for a teacher or classified member, and 50% of the actual number of votes cast by the parents in the elections for a parent representative.
Step 3. The constituent presents the petition for recall, with the required number of signatures, to the CSC.
Step 4. The CSC will ensure that a recall election takes place.
Step 5. The CSC member will be recalled by a majority vote.
Step 6. The standard process for election will be followed for replacing the CSC member for the remainder of the individual’s term.
CSC meetings should be scheduled by the CSC and held a minimum of once a month.
Duties should be assigned at the beginning of the school year by consensus of the committee. Leadership positions should consist of a CSC committee chairperson and a secretary.
The chairperson is responsible for maintaining order of each meeting. This is achieved through effective facilitation of discussions, recognizing the individual who has the floor and conducting the collaborative resolution for issues under consideration by the CSC committee.
The secretary is responsible for compiling the meeting minutes along with a list of decisions made for all meetings. The CSC Secretary should compile minutes of each meeting in a notebook for each school year.
Agendas should be made available to staff and the community at least one working day before the CSC meeting.
A partial agenda for the next meeting should be discussed at the conclusion of each meeting. A final agenda will be prepared through consultation with the principal and chairperson with input from the committee members. Agendas will be posted on the CSC communication board and/or other agreed-upon location. Topics for consideration must be submitted to the CSC committee. These may be submitted in writing or to a CSC committee member. It is the responsibility of each CSC member to present issues conveyed to them with the intent that the information be shared with the CSC committee.
Minutes from the most recent meeting should be made available to staff and to the community in a timely fashion and put in CSC file for the school’s records.
A quorum must be present at the CSC committee meeting in order to enact, or take action upon issues.
Decisions should be made by consensus. A consensus decision is either unanimous or a majority decision that the entire committee (including dissenter(s)) will implement and support. The CSC committee will seek to operate in an environment marked by mutual support and respect. Collaborative decision-making is based upon trust and on the belief in the strength of shared responsibility in decision-making. All participants must be able to state their cases, be listened to, and have their points of view considered.
Conflict of Interest
Open Meetings
Meetings should be open to the public.
Notice of meetings should be posted in a timely fashion in appropriate public places as well as published in the school calendar, newsletter or other appropriate medium.
Public Input
At least once a month, CSC meetings should include time for public input.
Constituency Meetings
To the extent possible, the CSC committee should communicate with the constituency groups they represent to inform them about the activities of the CSC committee. Voluntary monthly constituent meetings are recommended and should be scheduled in advance with the principal to avoid conflict with other activities.
To understand what is distinctive about Collaborative School Committees from other school committees (School Leadership Team, Personnel Committee and English Language Acquisition Parent Advisory Committee ELA PAC), we begin with the recognition that CSC is defined in Board of Education Policy BDF-R4, the SLT and PC are outlined in the contractual agreement between the Denver Classroom Teachers Association (DCTA) and the school district; and ELA-PACs are called for in the Order of the 1999 U.S. District Court – Denver Public Schools English Language Acquisition Program.
What the Agreement now affirms is that there will be a Collaborative School Committee at each school site.
Other CSC references can be found as follows: Article 5-6-3, page 12 – Program Change (School Redesign and Restructuring), Article 8-6, 8-6-1, page 24 – Department Chairs for HS, Article 12-1-1, page 39 – Instructional Materials, Article 13-8-2, page 41 – Personnel Committee, Article 13-9-2, page 42 – Changes in Program, Article 13-10-1, page 43 – Reduction in Building Staff (RIBs), Article 18- page 52, 18-2 53 – Student Discipline, Article 24, page 61 – Joint Activities, Article 25, page 62 – Job Sharing and Half-Time, Article 26-2, page 63 – Professional Behavior, Article 32-6, page 79 – Calendar of Activities
The CSC is one of 4 separate committees
Understanding role and function of each committee, how each committee has a distinct task and how they inter-connect is important for each CSC member.
Personnel Committee
The Personnel Committee stands apart from the CSC and provides oversight for UIP staffing decisions. (Please note that there may be up to two parents on the Personnel Committee (PC), appointed by the CSC. The PC is defined in Article 13.8 of the Agreement).
School Leadership Team
The School Leadership Team reviews data and collaborates on the development of the UIP and professional development among its responsibilities. More on responsibilities can be found in Articles 5.4 and 8 of the Agreement.
English Language Acquisition Parent Advisory Committee (ELA PAC)
Every ELA Program school must have a Parent Advisory Committee (PAC), chosen by the parents of students receiving ELA Program services at the school. The purpose of the ELA PAC is to provide information regarding the ELA Program, increase communication between ELL parents and the District, review implementation of the ELA Program, and listen to concerns of parents. The ELA PAC may be a subcommittee of a larger committee. At least 2 parent representatives must attend monthly District meetings and report back to the school committee.
See full mandate on Chapter 6 Parental Oversight, of the 2012 Consent Decree of the U.S. District Court – Denver Public Schools English Language Acquisition Program
Communication among all school committees (Collaborative School Committee, Personnel Committee, School Leadership Team, ELA PAC) should flow concisely and regularly
They should understand their separate work, as well as common roles and functions and support what each is doing:
At any time, the CSC committee may create task forces, or standing subcommittees to facilitate the completion of the CSC committee’s work. The CSC committee has final decision-making authority over all CSC-created subcommittees and task forces. These subcommittees or task forces should consist of anyone within the school community including staff, parents, students and/or community members.
Decision Process
All subcommittee and task forces created by the CSC committee should follow the same collaborative decision-making guidelines for the decision-making process as the CSC committee within the boundaries of decision-making delegated to them by the CSC committee.
Amendments to Bylaws
Amendments to the bylaws should be made by consensus of the CSC committee in accordance with the DCTA and District Agreement, state laws, regulations, District policies and procedures.
Recording Amendments to Bylaws
Amendment(s) to these bylaws should be incorporated into the body of the bylaws resulting in a new set of bylaws. The date of the amendment to these bylaws should appear on each page of the bylaws. It is recommended that bylaws and procedures are reviewed annually.
The CSC may expand its membership as long as the number of parents elected to the committee exceeds the number of representatives from the group with the next highest representation. The CSC at any school may request permission from the Instructional Superintendent to reduce its composition due to small school enrollment, or due to the fact that extensive documented efforts to recruit members have been unsuccessful.
Changes in these procedures based on the needs of the school may be recommended to the Superintendent through the Instructional Superintendent by the CSC.
Staff that performs administrative functions on behalf of the CSC including typing minutes and agendas, contacting CSC members for meetings, or preparing materials for CSC meetings may have these functions considered as part of their normal working day.
School Committees may set their own administrative procedures consistent with the Superintendent Procedure for determining various other issues, including, but not limited to: what number of members will constitute a quorum; when and how often they will meet; when and how they will hold elections; whether they will have term limits.
All CSCs shall communicate with the constituency groups they represent to inform them about the activities of the CSC. In addition, regular CSC meetings shall include time for public input at least once a month.
The scope of responsibilities for the Collaborative School Committee as defined in Board of Education Policy BDF-R4.